Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, November 25

.Time to act Now.

The human beings share the planet with thousands of living kinds, however we consider ourselves as the predominant kind in the earth , are born with this mentality, and the society every day foments this idea. Like "dominant" species we take advantage of other species to satisfy our "needs", and with this, we forget the interests or rights of the beings which we abuse, this calls especism; the word especism means that the interests of an individual are of minor importance for the fact of be an animal species. The acts of discrimination take place every day in front of our eyes and the equality word every day moves away from our vocabulary, many people think Can we do something against it?; absolutely we can, the change must be born for the impulse of the human being of changing this horrible reality, of reconsidering with ethic if this acts are correct or are just a excuse that the people use to hide the atrocities which many people enjoy

The animal abuse appears in many forms, one of them is the trade of animals, generally we limit ourselves to buying a pet, pay for them as if they were objects, and it’s not important for us,the people enriches itself with them, the pet shops sell them as if they were just products destined for the consumers, his vision of the animals is, animals equal easy money, the living conditions in these places aren’t the ideal , many animals suffer physical and psychological problems for the unnatural conditions in these places, submitted to the confinement and the poor care that provides them when the animals aren´t in vision of the buyers. Often these animals are sold and small conscience of the human being returns to act, after buy them as a product they are rejected when our pocket cant pay the expenses of a pet. Approximately 25 millions of animals remain without home every year, even many of them are of race, of these 25 millions approximately 9 millions die of diseases, starvation and injuries, other 16 millions die in lodgings or kennels where they are exterminated for lack of space. Of them 50 % has been taken to these places by his own proper.

Another form of mistreatment is the process of animal food production these processes are’t free of atrocities, the animals are marked in his faces by a warm iron, his horns are extirpated, in the transport many animals die before coming to the slaughter house for the conditions to which meet submitted, in the farms they live heaped, tied all his life without possibility of exercising, many fall ill and die, once in the slaughter house they kill them of cruel form, often the animals are not stunned well when they are proceeded to bleed them and to carve them up, tails are amputated, there are cut the ears, the teeth, often electricity is applied to move them and from, many are immersed in hot water to remove his hair, some animals are alive when this process is applied to them and die drowned. These processes are clearly cruel and unnecessary.

As if the hurt was little many animals are abused and hunted to obtain his skin and to commercialize it for the gown that often is alone an unnecessary luxury. Many are in danger of extinction because the human has hunted them in big quantities.

To conclude, yes, we can do very much in order that the animal mistreatment finishes,
we must be concientes of the responsibilities that a pet implies and be responsible persons in his possession, instead of fomenting the trade that just enriches people with them we can adopt animals, as for the food, a way of helping is being vegetarian, if we don’t consider ourselves sufficiently strong to take a decision of this type at least we can demand a deal and a death deigns to lessen the hurt that we cause to the animals, also we can avoid the skins use that is an unnecessary luxury ‘cause if of sheltering our body it treats we can use clothes of materials as cotton or synthetic materials, and finally we must be aware and understand that the animals are not objects that we can use for our benefit, the animals are beings similar of us. they do not possess the aptitude to reason but they possess intelligence and feelings similar to us. We can stop the abuse, we can stop the cruelty.


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